Art . Magic . Earth . Life . Love
Creating is my breathing...when I am truly in a flow state with my life
I am blessed and grateful that so many of my pieces of art have been added to your homes around the world.
Feel the magic and take what resonates
Come join me in the great dance of life

My Story
I am a Seventh Generation Far Northerner obsessed with Creating.
Creating Art and Creating a Life that feels like a blessing every day.
I live for Nature and my Spiritual connection.
I spend my days creating pottery that is detailed and bright and reflects my life with all that I see, experience and believe in.
I paint murals, I make carvings, I write children's books
I create magical tools to be used in your mainfesting rituals.
Potter, Painter, Printer, Author
There is a lot going on here, I am embracing it all
Thankyou for owning a piece of my heart